



Being on an esports team brings a number of immediate and long-term benefits. Some are similar to the benefits gained through participating in other sports and clubs; others are unique to the expanding world of esports.



像许多学生俱乐部和运动, esports helps students learn valuable skills that will serve them well throughout their life. 通过电子竞技培养的技能包括战略思维, 团队合作, 协作, 目标设定, 准备, 管理成功和失败——更不用说快速反应了. Additional skills include those related to traveling to competitions and time management.


In addition to developing important skills that can help students succeed in just about anything they do, esports itself is a fast-growing industry that offers many job opportunities beyond being a pro player. 这些包括与生产相关的职业, 编程, 流媒体, 管理电子竞技团队, 游戏开发, 平面设计, 市场营销, 视频制作, 甚至是STEM领域.

社会交往 & 社交技能发展.

Gaming is often a solitary activity and students who enjoy gaming are often those who are less involved in school activities. Competitive esports provides a way for like-minded students to meet in person on a regular basis, in pursuit of common goals – providing a sense of belonging for those who might otherwise opt out of school activities. 作为计划活动, 电子竞技俱乐部提供了建立友谊的机会, 获得同学的尊重,增强自尊.


不足为奇的是, students who participate in traditional sports tend to smoke less and eat in a healthier way, 以及花更多的时间做作业. Students involved in any before- or after- school activity also tend to score much higher on measures of healthy behaviors and social connection, as well as lower for unhealthy behaviors – which means that members of your esports team will probably do more homework and less drinking, 毒品和其他有害行为.



The number of colleges offering 电子竞技 scholarships is growing rapidly. In 2014, Robert Morris University was the first to offer an esports scholarship. 今天, large schools like the University of Utah and the University of California-Irvine offer scholarships and have high profile esports programs modeled after traditional collegiate sports teams – with post-game meals, 球队队服, 以及其他福利. 在一般情况下, colleges with varsity esports teams tend to have the most money to allocate toward esports scholarships. The National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) currently has 151-member schools with varsity esports programs.

Competitive video gaming has quickly risen to the ranks of “real sports” in many of the ways that count. 其中包括大牌赞助商, 有竞争力的职业联赛, 大学比赛和, in 2017, 比2016年NFL常规赛的全球观众还要多. As of 2021, the Esports market is valued at over $1 billion dollars.

E-sports is also big business, making money from investments, branding, advertising, and media deals. The number of college scholarships and careers related to esports is also growing quickly. 正因为如此, 许多高中教师, and administrators are thinking about how to start an esports team at their school.







两者之间的差异是显著的. 虽然两者都是需要策略的竞争, 团队合作, 以及快速的反应, 电子竞技 is less reliant on physical ability and the risk of injury is nearly non-existent. 电子竞技 also allows teams to compete against each other without travel.


一个以创造为目标的俱乐部, organizing and training teams that will play video games competitively against other schools’ clubs and at various events.


具体的游戏是多种多样且不断变化的. Typically, they are all games that are played against another player or a team of players. 随着新游戏的诞生,老游戏变得越来越不受欢迎, 拥有活跃电子竞技社区的游戏列表将会改变.


即时战略, 第一人称射击游戏, 战斗, 大逃杀, MOBA(多人在线竞技)和体育.  流行的电子竞技游戏包括Valorant, 火箭联盟, 《堡垒之夜》大逃杀, 英雄联盟, 队伍2, 反恐精英:全球攻势, 家庭, 看守, 和星际争霸2.


公开比赛和校园比赛将安排在MLH 218. 

